Ketua Umum KORMI Nasional (Komite Olahraga Masyarakat Indonesia) Hayono Isman menerima audiensi Pengurus “Indonesia Taekwondo Fun” (ITF), di ruang kerjanya, Selasa (26 Juli 2022.
Hayono Isman yang pernah menjadi Menteri Pemuda dan Olahraga (Menpora) itu menyambut baik kedatangan Pengurus ITF yang dipimpin langsung Ketua Umumnya, Rirrie Fardiwan.
Pada kesempatan itu Ketua Umum ITF didampingi Ketua Harian Johanes Gideon HS, Sekretaris Umum Achmad Jerry Setiawan dan wakilnya Ahmad Amrullah. Mereka ini sekaligus merupakan Pendiri ITF.
Dalam pertemuan tersebut dengan suasana yang sangat hangat membicarakan sejarah terbentuknya ITF yang telah didukung sementara 11 provinsi diantaranya Provinsi Sumatera Barat, Riau, Lampung, DKI Jakarta , Banten, Jawa Barat, Sulawesi Selatan, Sulawesi Barat, Sulawesi Tengah, Sulawesi Tenggara, dsn Maluku
Dalam waktu dekat menyusul beberapa provinsi lainnya yang kini dalam proses musyawarah daerah untuk menyusun susunan kepengurusannya masing-masing.
Dalam kesempatan tersebut Ketua Umum KORMI menyampaikan peran KORMI dalam masyarakat dan tujuannya yang akan
dicapai sebagaimana Perpres No.86 Tahun 2021 tentang Desain Besar Olahraga Nasional (DBON), dan Undang-Undang Keolahragaan No.11 Tahun 2022.
Hayono Isman juga mengapresiasi terbentuknya ITF ini, juga mendukung ITF menjadi anggota penuh KORMI Nasional karena sejalan dengan program KORMI Nasional.
Diharapkan ITF bisa hadir dalam event-event yang KORMI selenggarakan di tingkat Nasional termasuk di tingkat Internasional dengan melakukan seleksi nasional secara langsung oleh ITF sendiri.
Selain itu dia berharap agar ITF dengan PBTI yang beralifiasi dengan KONI juga diharapkan dapat bekerjasama dengan baik sesuai porsinya masing-masing.
Adapun peran KORMI maupun KONI adalah beda fungsi sehingga dimungkinkan kerjasama tersebut dapat terjadi dengan baik.
Sementara itu Rirrie Fardiwan mengharapkan, ke depannya akan terjalin sinergitas yang baik dengan KORMI maupun instansi terkait lainnya agar ITF dapat
berperan dan berkontribusi mewujudkan masyarakat Indonesia yang bugar, sehat , kuat dan smart.
Terutama lagi di zaman digital saat ini masih banyak anak-anak dan kaum remaja enggan untuk datang ke tempat kebugaran dan berolahraga.
"Oleh karena itu kami dari ITF berupaya memberikan kegiatan positif bagi generasi bangsa dengan menyajikan perlombaan
maupun pertandingan yang dikemas menarik (Fun) agar masyarakat mencintai olahraga khususnya Taekwondo," pungkasnya. A
( English )
Chairman of the National KORMI (Indonesian Community Sports Committee) Hayono Isman received an audience of the "Indonesia Taekwondo Fun" (ITF) Management in his office, Tuesday (26 July 2022.
Hayono Isman, who was once the Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora), welcomed the arrival of the ITF Management, which was led directly by its General Chair, Rirrie Fardiwan.
On that occasion the General Chairperson of the ITF was accompanied by Daily Chair Johanes Gideon HS, General Secretary
Achmad Jerry Setiawan and his deputy Ahmad Amrullah. They are also the founders of the ITF.
During the meeting in a very warm atmosphere, they discussed the history of the formation of the ITF which has been
supported while 11 provinces including West Sumatra, Riau, Lampung, DKI Jakarta, Banten, West Java, South Sulawesi, West Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, and Maluku
In the near future, several other provinces will follow which are currently in the process of regional deliberations to draw up their respective management structures.
On this occasion the General Chairperson of KORMI conveyed the role of KORMI in society and its goals
achieved as Presidential Decree No. 86 of 2021 concerning the Great Design of National Sports (DBON), and the Sports Law No. 11 of 2022.
Hayono Isman also appreciates the formation of this ITF, also supports the ITF to become a full member of the National KORMI because it is in line with the National KORMI program.
It is hoped that the ITF can attend the events that KORMI organizes at the national level including at the international level by conducting a national selection directly by the ITF itself.
In addition, he hopes that ITF and PBTI which are affiliated with KONI are also expected to cooperate well according to their respective portions.
The roles of KORMI and KONI are different functions so that it is possible for the cooperation to occur properly.
Meanwhile, Rirrie Fardiwan hopes that in the future there will be good synergy with KORMI and other relevant agencies so that the ITF can
play a role and contribute to realizing a fit, healthy, strong and smart Indonesian society.
Especially in this digital age, there are still many children and teenagers who are reluctant to come to the fitness center and exercise.
"Therefore, we at the ITF try to provide positive activities for generations to come