( Indonesia )
Seni bela diri yang populer dan diminati di Indonesia salah satunya adalah karate di mana selain teknik dasar Judo dan teknik kempo, teknik dasar karate adalah yang paling kerap ingin dipelajari oleh banyak orang. Perkembangan karate sendiri terjadi di Ryukyu Islands setelah dibawa melalui Okinawa ke Jepang.
Awalnya, tak ada istilah karate karena seni bela diri ini justru memiliki sebutan Tote atau yang bermakna Tangan China dan setelah masuk ke Jepanglah, kanji Okinawa pun diganti oleh Sensei Gichin Funakoshi ke dalam kanji Jepang menjadi karate. Dalam bela diri apapun, selalu ada teknik gerakan-gerakan dasar seperti halnya teknik dasar taekwondo dan juga teknik aikido
• Kihon
Seni bela diri yang populer dan diminati di Indonesia salah satunya adalah karate di mana selain teknik dasar Judo dan teknik kempo, teknik dasar karate adalah yang paling kerap ingin dipelajari oleh banyak orang. Perkembangan karate sendiri terjadi di Ryukyu Islands setelah dibawa melalui Okinawa ke Jepang.
Awalnya, tak ada istilah karate karena seni bela diri ini justru memiliki sebutan Tote atau yang bermakna Tangan China dan setelah masuk ke Jepanglah, kanji Okinawa pun diganti oleh Sensei Gichin Funakoshi ke dalam kanji Jepang menjadi karate. Dalam bela diri apapun, selalu ada teknik gerakan-gerakan dasar seperti halnya teknik dasar taekwondo dan juga teknik aikido
• Kihon
Untuk teknik dasar satu ini dalam karate, secara harfiah memiliki makna fondasi dan itu artinya, setiap karatedo perlu menguasai Kihon secara sempurna sebelum pada akhirnya bisa mengenal dan mempelajari Kata serta Kumite.
Pada umumnya, pelatihan untuk teknik Kihon ini diawali dengan mempelajari gerakan menendang dan memukul yang kita kenal dengan tahap sabuk puti serta gerakan bantingan yang ada pada sebuk coklat. Ketika karatedo berada pada tahap dan/atau sabuk hitam, maka hal ini berarti karatedo telah berhasil menguasai seluruh Kihon.
• Kata
Ini adalah teknik dasar selanjutnya dalam karate di mana secara harfiah adalah bentuk atau pola dan di dalam karate, Kata bukan hanya pelatihan secara fisik biasa ataupun aerobik yang diduga banyak orang. Namun lebih dari itu, ada pelajaran tentang prinsip bertarung yang terkandung di dalam teknik dasar Kata ini.
Ada terkandung falsafah-falsafah hidup juga di dalam banyak gerakan Kata dan ada ritme gerakan serta penapasan yang tak sama antara satu dengan lainnya pada setiap Kata. Ada istilah Bunkai di dalam Kata di mana ini adalah sebuah aplikasi yang karatedo bisa gunakan dari gerakan dasar Kata itu sendiri.
Untuk tiap Kata, tiap aliran mempunyai gerak dan nama yang berbeda-beda. Ambil contoh, Kata Tekki yang ada pada aliran Shotokan yang lebih dikenal dengan istilah Naihanchi yang ada di aliran Shito Ryu dan inilah yang memengaruhi Bunkai pada setiap aliran juga menjadi tak sama antara satu dan yang lain.
• Kumite
Pertemuan tangan adalah makna harfiah dari Kumite ini dan biasanya teknik ini dilakukan khususnya oleh para karatedo yang sudah berada pada tingkat lanjut, seperti sabuk biru atau lebih. Hanya saja, zaman sekarang ada dojo yang sudah menawarkan pengajaran/pelatihan Kumite pada praktisi sabuk kuning atau yang masih pada tingkat pemula.
Go hon kumite atau kumite yang diatur adalah yang pertama kali dipelajari oleh para karatedo sebelum melakukan kumite bebas atau jiyu kumite.
• Untuk aliran kontak langsung atau yang juga dikenal dengan Kyokushin, karatedo perlu membiasakan melakukan teknik ini ketika berada pada tingkat sabuk biru strip. Para karatedo atau praktisi Kyokushin ini boleh melancarkan pukulan maupun tendangan ke arah lawan saat bertanding sekuat tenaga.
• Untuk aliran Shotokan yang ada di Jepang, teknik kumite ini hanya bagi karatedo yang sudah berada pada tingkat sabuk hitam. Karatedo dalam hal ini diwajibkan mampu menjaga setiap pukulan agar kawan yang menjadi pasangan berlatih dan bertanding tak cedera.
• Untuk aliran Wado-ryu yang menjadi aliran kombinasi dengan teknik yang kita ketahui terdiri dari campuran Jujutsu dan Karate ini, teknik Kumite terdiri dari 2 jenis. Yang pertama adalah persiapan Shiai di mana pelatihannya hanya teknik-teknik yang memang diperbolehkan untuk pertandingan. Kedua adalah Goshinjutsu Kumite di mana di sinilah praktik penggunaan seluruh teknik; itulah mengapa ini juga disebut dengan istilah Kumite untuk bela diri karena jurus Jujutsu seperti kuncian, penyerangan pada titik vital, dan bantingan semuanya termasuk.
• Dachi atau Kuda-kuda
Dachi adalah teknik gerakan dasar dalam olahraga bela diri karate yang perlu bagi seluruh praktisi pemula untuk menguasainya dengan benar dan sempurna. Kuda-kuda adalah awal yang penting di dalam sebuah bela diri karena dianggap sebagai tumpuan dari seluruh gerakan yang ada sehingga karatedo (sebutan untuk praktisi karate) untuk mengenal dan mempelajarinya dengan baik.
• Kuda-kuda dasar atau kaki yang perlu dibuka selebar bahu, yaitu hachiji-dachi.
• Kuda-kuda berat belakang, yaitu ko-kutsu-dachi.
• Kuda-kuda berat depan, yaitu zen-kutsu-dachi.
• Kuda-kuda berat tengah, yaitu sanshin-dachi.
• Kuda-kuda berat tengah namun kaki dirapatkan (dalam Kata Unsu), yaitu heisoku-dachi.
• Kuda-kuda berat tengah (dalam Kata Hangetsu), yaitu hangetsu-dachi.
• Kuda-kuda berat tengah (dalam Kata Sochin), yaitu sochi-dachi.
• Kuda-kuda berat belakang (dalam Kata Unsu), yaitu neko-ashi-dachi.
• Zuki atau Pukulan
Teknik di dalam karate lainnya adalah gerakan pukulan atau yang kita bisa sebut dengan istilah zuki. Gerakan dasar ini juga merupakan yang paling penting bagi para karatedo untuk menguasainya secara sempurna agar ketika menyerang lawan bisa dilakukan dengan baik. Dan berikut ini adalah jenis teknik pukulan yang perlu
(English )
One of the most popular and popular martial arts in Indonesia is karate, where in addition to the basic Judo techniques and kempo techniques, the basic techniques of karate are the most frequently studied by many people. The development of karate itself occurred in the Ryukyu Islands after being taken through Okinawa to Japan.
Initially, there was no term karate because this martial art actually had the term Tote or meaning Chinese Hand and after entering Japan, the Okinawa kanji was replaced by Sensei Gichin Funakoshi into the Japanese kanji as karate. In any martial art, there are always basic movements techniques such as the basic techniques of taekwondo and also aikido techniques
For this one basic technique in karate, it literally has a foundation meaning and that means, every karatedo needs to master Kihon perfectly before he can finally know and learn Kata and Kumite.
In general, the training for the Kihon technique begins with learning the kicking and hitting movements that we are familiar with, the white belt stage and the kickback movements that exist in a chocolate bar. When karatedo is in the stage and / or black belt, this means that karatedo has succeeded in mastering the entire Kihon.
This is the next basic technique in karate where literally is a form or pattern and in karate, Kata is not just ordinary physical or aerobic training that many people suspect. But more than that, there are lessons about the fighting principle contained in this basic word technique.
There are philosophies of life also in many Kata movements and there are rhythms of movement and dissatisfaction between each other in each word. There is the term Bunkai in the Word where this is an application that karatedo can use from the basic movements of the Word itself.
For each word, each genre has a different motion and name. Take for example, the Tekki word in the Shotokan school, better known as the Naihanchi in the Shito Ryu school, and this is what influences the Bunkai in each school to be different from one another.
The meeting of hands is the literal meaning of Kumite and this technique is usually carried out especially by karatedo who are already at an advanced level, such as a blue belt or more. It's just that, today there are dojos that have offered Kumite teaching / training to yellow belt practitioners or who are still at the beginner level.
Go hon kumite or regulated kumite is the first to be learned by the karatedo before doing free kumite or jiyu kumite.
For direct contact flow or also known as Kyokushin, karatedo needs to get used to doing this technique when it is at the level of a blue belt strip. Karatedo or Kyokushin practitioners may launch blows or kicks to the opponent while
competing with all their strength. For the Shotokan flow in Japan, the kumite technique is only for karatedo who are already at the level of the black belt.
Karatedo in this case is required to be able to keep every shot so that the partner who becomes a practicing partner and competes without injury. For the Wado-ryu flow which is a combination flow with the technique that we know consists of a
mixture of Jujutsu and Karate, the Kumite technique consists of 2 types. The first is the preparation of Shiai where the training is only techniques that are indeed
allowed for the match. Second is Goshinjutsu Kumite where this is the practice of using all techniques; That is why it is also called the Kumite term for self defense because Jujutsu moves such as locking, attacking at vital points, and kickback are all included.
4.Dachi or Horses
Dachi is a basic movement technique in karate martial arts that is necessary for all novice practitioners to master it properly and perfectly. Horses are an important beginning in a martial art because they are considered the foundation of all movements so that karatedo (a term for karate practitioners) is well known and studied.
The basic horses or legs that need to be opened shoulder width apart, namely hachiji-dachi. The rear heavy horses, namely the ko-kutsu-dachi. The front heavy horses, namely the zen-kutsu-dachi. The middle heavy horses, namely sanshin-
dachi. Middle-weight horses but feet pressed together (in the Unsu Word), namely heisoku-dachi. Middle-weight horses (in the Hangetsu Word), ie Hangetsu-dachi. Middle-weight horses (in the Sochin Word), namely sochi-dachi. Rear-weight horses (in Unsu Word), namely neko-ashi-dachi.
5.or blow
Another technique in karate is the stroke or what we can call zuki. This basic movement is also the most important for the Karatedo to master it perfectly so that when attacking the opponent can be done properly. And the following are the types of stroke techniques that need to be known and considered.
The blow leads to the solar plexus or stomach, namely oi-zuki-chudan. The blow leads to the head, namely oi-zuki-jodan. The punch leads to the stomach but the foot doesn't move, namely gyaku-zuki. namely kisame-zuki.Punches and pushes,
namely morete-zuki.Punches in a form like soto-ude-uke, namely ura-zuki.Punches using both hands, namely morete-hisame-zuki.Double beatings using both hands, namely yama -zuki.Punch with a form like uchi-ude-uke, namely tate-zuki.Punch to
the side as in the Tekki Shodan word, namely kage-zuki.Punch to the stomach while using the horses hachiji-dachi, namely choku-zuki Beating uses the inner hand which is also shaped like agi-uke, which is agi-zuki. Following, namely empi. Sword
hand, that is tate-shut. Sword hand, ie shuto-uchi. Sword hand, namely haito-uchi. Sword hand , ie haishu-uchi. The blow sideways, namely uraken-uchi. The hammer's hand, which is tetsui-uchi.
6.Geri or Kick
This technique is one of the vital techniques where the kick movement technique is also used when attacking an opponent aside from the use of blows. The following are the types of kicks that need to be considered and even well mastered by the karatedo as a basis.
Back kick, namely usiro-geri. Kick using the side of the foot or disnap, namely yoko-geri-keange. Kick using the side leg or poked, which is yoko-geri-kekome. Kick using the upper leg, namely mawashi-geri. Kick which leads to the stomach and head with the direction forward, namely mae-geri.
7.Uke or Tangkisan
The next technique is the parry movement technique. Sparring is also needed when dealing with opponents in matches and in sparring movements, body position needs to be sideways or at least in line with the horses. The aim is so that when the opponent's kick or punch does not hit our defense, the attack cannot hit our body. The following are a number of defense techniques to note.
Tackle with a shape like morote-zuki, namely morote-uke. The parry uses both crossed arms, namely juji-uke. The parry uses a sword hand, namely shuto-uke. The middle parry comes from under the armpits, namely uchi-ude-uke. the middle comes from behind the ear, namely soto-ude-uke. The upper cup, that is agi-uke. the lower cup, namely gedan barai.
The basic technique of karate needs to be an important concern for every novice practitioner. You also have the choice to study traditional karate or sports. It's just for the traditional flow, karate is more focused on the aspects of martial arts which means it is closely related to the practice of fighting.
For the flow of sports in karate, the focus is more on techniques for sporting events. If you are interested in this one martial art, prepare yourself to get to know and practice each of the basic techniques that have been reviewed above. Training that is carried out routinely and as needed along with high perseverance will help you become a karatedo to a black belt
diketahui dan diperhatikan.
• Pukulan mengarah ke ulu hati atau perut, yaitu oi-zuki-chudan.
• Pukulan mengarah ke kepala, yaitu oi-zuki-jodan.
• Pukulan mengarah ke perut namun kaki tak melangkah, yaitu gyaku-zuki.
• Pukulan mengarah ke kepala namun kaki tak melangkah, yaitu kisame-zuki.
• Pukulan dan dorongan, yaitu morete-zuki.
• Pukulan dalam bentuk seperti soto-ude-uke, yaitu ura-zuki.
• Pukulan dengan menggunakan kedua tangan, yaitu morete-hisame-zuki.
• Pukulan ganda menggunakan kedua tangan, yaitu yama-zuki.
• Pukulan dengan bentuk seperti uchi-ude-uke, yaitu tate-zuki.
• Pukulan ke arah samping seperti pada Kata Tekki Shodan, yaitu kage-zuki.
• Pukulan ke arah perut sambil menggunakan kuda-kuda hachiji-dachi, yaitu choku-zuki.
• Pukulan menggunakan tangan bagian dalam yang juga bentuknya seperti agi-uke, yaitu agi-zuki.
• Sikutan, yaitu empi.
• Tangan pedang, yaitu tate-shuto.
• Tangan pedang, yaitu shuto-uchi.
• Tangan pedang, yaitu haito-uchi.
• Tangan pedang, yaitu haishu-uchi.
• Pukulan menyamping, yaitu uraken-uchi.
• Tangan palu, yaitu tetsui-uchi.
• Geri atau Tendangan
Teknik ini merupakan salah satu teknik vital di mana teknik gerakan tendangan juga digunakan saat menyerang lawan selain dari penggunaan pukulan. Berikut ini adalah jenis-jenis tendangan yang perlu diperhatikan dan bahkan dikuasai dengan baik oleh para karatedo sebagai dasar.
• Tendangan belakang, yaitu usiro-geri.
• Tendangan menggunakan kaki bagian samping atau disnap, yaitu yoko-geri-keange.
• Tendangan menggunakan kaki bagian samping atau disodok, yaitu yoko-geri-kekome.
• Tendangan menggunakan kaki bagian atas, yaitu mawashi-geri.
• Tendangan yang mengarah ke perut maupun kepala dengan arah ke depan, yaitu mae-geri.
• Uke atau Tangkisan
Teknik selanjutnya adalah teknik gerakan menangkis. Tangkisan diperlukan juga ketika berhadapan dengan lawan di pertandingan dan dalam gerakan tangkisan, posisi badan perlu menyamping atau paling tidak segaris dengan kuda-kuda. Tujuannya adalah agar ketika tendangan atau pukulan lawan tak mengenai tangkisan kita, serangan itu tak akan bisa mengenai tubuh kita. Berikut ini adalah sejumlah teknik tangkisan untuk diperhatikan.
• Tangkisan dengan bentuk seperti morote-zuki, yaitu morote-uke.
• Tangkisan menggunakan kedua tangan yang disilang, yaitu juji-uke.
• Tangkisan menggunakan tangan pedang, yaitu shuto-uke.
• Tangkisan tengah berasal dari bawah ketiak, yaitu uchi-ude-uke.
• Tangkisan tengah berasal dari belakang telinga, yaitu soto-ude-uke.
• Tangkisan atas, yaitu agi-uke.
• Tangkisan bawah, yaitu gedan barai.
Teknik dasar karate perlu menjadi perhatian penting bagi setiap praktisi pemula. Anda pun memiliki pilihan untuk mempelajari karate aliran tradisional atau aliran olahraga. Hanya saja untuk aliran tradisional, karate lebih berfokus pada aspek bela diri yang artinya sangatlah berkaitan dengan praktik bertempur.
Untuk aliran olahraga pada karate, fokusnya adalah lebih kepada teknik-teknik untuk pertandingan olahraganya saja. Jika Anda tertarik dengan seni bela diri satu ini, persiapkan diri untuk mengenal dan memraktikkan setiap teknik dasar yang telah diulas di atas. Pelatihan yang dilakukan rutin dan sesuai kebutuhan beserta ketekunan tinggi akan membantu Anda menjadi karatedo hingga sabuk hitam.
(English )
One of the most popular and popular martial arts in Indonesia is karate, where in addition to the basic Judo techniques and kempo techniques, the basic techniques of karate are the most frequently studied by many people. The development of karate itself occurred in the Ryukyu Islands after being taken through Okinawa to Japan.
Initially, there was no term karate because this martial art actually had the term Tote or meaning Chinese Hand and after entering Japan, the Okinawa kanji was replaced by Sensei Gichin Funakoshi into the Japanese kanji as karate. In any martial art, there are always basic movements techniques such as the basic techniques of taekwondo and also aikido techniques
For this one basic technique in karate, it literally has a foundation meaning and that means, every karatedo needs to master Kihon perfectly before he can finally know and learn Kata and Kumite.
In general, the training for the Kihon technique begins with learning the kicking and hitting movements that we are familiar with, the white belt stage and the kickback movements that exist in a chocolate bar. When karatedo is in the stage and / or black belt, this means that karatedo has succeeded in mastering the entire Kihon.
This is the next basic technique in karate where literally is a form or pattern and in karate, Kata is not just ordinary physical or aerobic training that many people suspect. But more than that, there are lessons about the fighting principle contained in this basic word technique.
There are philosophies of life also in many Kata movements and there are rhythms of movement and dissatisfaction between each other in each word. There is the term Bunkai in the Word where this is an application that karatedo can use from the basic movements of the Word itself.
For each word, each genre has a different motion and name. Take for example, the Tekki word in the Shotokan school, better known as the Naihanchi in the Shito Ryu school, and this is what influences the Bunkai in each school to be different from one another.
The meeting of hands is the literal meaning of Kumite and this technique is usually carried out especially by karatedo who are already at an advanced level, such as a blue belt or more. It's just that, today there are dojos that have offered Kumite teaching / training to yellow belt practitioners or who are still at the beginner level.
Go hon kumite or regulated kumite is the first to be learned by the karatedo before doing free kumite or jiyu kumite.
For direct contact flow or also known as Kyokushin, karatedo needs to get used to doing this technique when it is at the level of a blue belt strip. Karatedo or Kyokushin practitioners may launch blows or kicks to the opponent while
competing with all their strength. For the Shotokan flow in Japan, the kumite technique is only for karatedo who are already at the level of the black belt.
Karatedo in this case is required to be able to keep every shot so that the partner who becomes a practicing partner and competes without injury. For the Wado-ryu flow which is a combination flow with the technique that we know consists of a
mixture of Jujutsu and Karate, the Kumite technique consists of 2 types. The first is the preparation of Shiai where the training is only techniques that are indeed
allowed for the match. Second is Goshinjutsu Kumite where this is the practice of using all techniques; That is why it is also called the Kumite term for self defense because Jujutsu moves such as locking, attacking at vital points, and kickback are all included.
4.Dachi or Horses
Dachi is a basic movement technique in karate martial arts that is necessary for all novice practitioners to master it properly and perfectly. Horses are an important beginning in a martial art because they are considered the foundation of all movements so that karatedo (a term for karate practitioners) is well known and studied.
The basic horses or legs that need to be opened shoulder width apart, namely hachiji-dachi. The rear heavy horses, namely the ko-kutsu-dachi. The front heavy horses, namely the zen-kutsu-dachi. The middle heavy horses, namely sanshin-
dachi. Middle-weight horses but feet pressed together (in the Unsu Word), namely heisoku-dachi. Middle-weight horses (in the Hangetsu Word), ie Hangetsu-dachi. Middle-weight horses (in the Sochin Word), namely sochi-dachi. Rear-weight horses (in Unsu Word), namely neko-ashi-dachi.
5.or blow
Another technique in karate is the stroke or what we can call zuki. This basic movement is also the most important for the Karatedo to master it perfectly so that when attacking the opponent can be done properly. And the following are the types of stroke techniques that need to be known and considered.
The blow leads to the solar plexus or stomach, namely oi-zuki-chudan. The blow leads to the head, namely oi-zuki-jodan. The punch leads to the stomach but the foot doesn't move, namely gyaku-zuki. namely kisame-zuki.Punches and pushes,
namely morete-zuki.Punches in a form like soto-ude-uke, namely ura-zuki.Punches using both hands, namely morete-hisame-zuki.Double beatings using both hands, namely yama -zuki.Punch with a form like uchi-ude-uke, namely tate-zuki.Punch to
the side as in the Tekki Shodan word, namely kage-zuki.Punch to the stomach while using the horses hachiji-dachi, namely choku-zuki Beating uses the inner hand which is also shaped like agi-uke, which is agi-zuki. Following, namely empi. Sword
hand, that is tate-shut. Sword hand, ie shuto-uchi. Sword hand, namely haito-uchi. Sword hand , ie haishu-uchi. The blow sideways, namely uraken-uchi. The hammer's hand, which is tetsui-uchi.
6.Geri or Kick
This technique is one of the vital techniques where the kick movement technique is also used when attacking an opponent aside from the use of blows. The following are the types of kicks that need to be considered and even well mastered by the karatedo as a basis.
Back kick, namely usiro-geri. Kick using the side of the foot or disnap, namely yoko-geri-keange. Kick using the side leg or poked, which is yoko-geri-kekome. Kick using the upper leg, namely mawashi-geri. Kick which leads to the stomach and head with the direction forward, namely mae-geri.
7.Uke or Tangkisan
The next technique is the parry movement technique. Sparring is also needed when dealing with opponents in matches and in sparring movements, body position needs to be sideways or at least in line with the horses. The aim is so that when the opponent's kick or punch does not hit our defense, the attack cannot hit our body. The following are a number of defense techniques to note.
Tackle with a shape like morote-zuki, namely morote-uke. The parry uses both crossed arms, namely juji-uke. The parry uses a sword hand, namely shuto-uke. The middle parry comes from under the armpits, namely uchi-ude-uke. the middle comes from behind the ear, namely soto-ude-uke. The upper cup, that is agi-uke. the lower cup, namely gedan barai.
The basic technique of karate needs to be an important concern for every novice practitioner. You also have the choice to study traditional karate or sports. It's just for the traditional flow, karate is more focused on the aspects of martial arts which means it is closely related to the practice of fighting.
For the flow of sports in karate, the focus is more on techniques for sporting events. If you are interested in this one martial art, prepare yourself to get to know and practice each of the basic techniques that have been reviewed above. Training that is carried out routinely and as needed along with high perseverance will help you become a karatedo to a black belt