1. Pakaian karate (Karate-gi) harus berwarna putih dan tidak dibenarkan
mamakai pakaian karate yang bercorak warna lain. Murid harus selalu
menjaga dirinya dan segala perlengkapan latihan, antara lain ; Karate-gi,
pelindung kaki, dan sarung tangan dalam keadan bersih dan tidak bau.
2. Hanya karate-gi bersih yang dikenakan dan jangan berkesan jorok. Karate-
gi yang robek harus segera dijahit kembali. Membiarkan perlengkapan
latihan dan karate-gi kusut secara terus menerus, memberi kesan tidak
3. Panjang lengan karate-gi tidak boleh menutupi pergelangan tangan dan
harus menutupi siku, tidak dibenarkan dilipat.
4. Panjang celana karate-gi tidak boleh menutupi pergelangan kaki dan harus
menutupi lutut, tidak dibenarkan dilipat.
5. Badge perguruan harus dan wajib dipasang di dada sebelah kiri sebagai
identitas organisasi dan memasang badge FORKI di dada sebelah kanan.
6. Pada acara-acara khusus seperti PON, PORDA atau kejuaraan antar
perguruan tinggi dibenarkan mamakai lambang daerah/departemen/instansi
sebagai pangganti lambang perguruan di dada sebelah kiri.
7. Pemakaian sabuk karate harus sesuai dengan ketentuan yang telah
ditetapkan dewan guru perguruan tentang tingkat kyu dan warna sabuk.
8. Panjang ujung sabuk karate setelah diikatkan di pinggang tidak boleh
melebihi atau melampaui lutut.
9. Setiap anggota karate baik pelatih maupun atlit harus berpakaian karate
selama mengikuti latihan karate, tanpa pakaian karate tidak dibenarkan
melatih maupun mengikuti latihan karate.
10. Jangan membetulkan karate-gi atau letak sabuk karate/obi selama latihan
sebelum diijinkan pelatih. Apabila mau membetulkan karate-gi/obi, lakukan
dengan cepat dan tidak berisik sambil menghadap ke belakang.
11.Para murid dilarang meninggalkan dojo tanpa ijin dari pelatih. Bila ada hal
yang mendesak dan harus berangkat dengan segera, lakukan dengan sikap
sopan dan jelaskan keperluannya dengan cepat.
12. Untuk menghindari kemungkinan cedera, para murid dilarang mengenakan
perhiasan, jam tangan atau perhiasan lain yang tajam selama latihan,
kacamata berukuran diperkenankan, tetapi selama Kumite, sebaiknya
dilepaskan atau menggunakan kontak lensa.
13.Secara tradisi, dojo adalah tempat yang dihormati, dianggap suci, oleh
karena itu para murid seharusnya tidak mengenakan topi atau sejenisnya
atau menggunakan bahasa kotor di lingkungan sekolah karate dan dojo.
Juga jangan mengenakan sepatu/sandal memasuki areal dojo. Tidak ada
makanan, minuman dan rokok yang diijinkan di sekitar lingkungan perguruan
14.Para murid harus selalu ikut membantu menjaga dan membersihkan dojo
sebagai tempat yang khusus dan disayangi sebelum dan setelah selesai
15. Cara memberikan latihan karate diperagakan langsung (praktek) dan bukan
diberikan dengan cara tertulis.
16. Materi latihan pada olah raga beladiri karate hanya satu macam yang dibagi
dalam (3) tiga bagian, yaitu:
a. Gerakan Dasar (Kihon)
b. Pertarungan/perkelahian (Kumite)
c. Jurus (Kata).
Yang ketiganya merupakan satu kesatuan yang tidak dapat dipisahkan.
( English )
1. Karate clothing (Karate-gi) must be white and not justified
wearing other colored karate clothes. Students must always
take care of himself and all training equipment, among others; Karate-gi,
gaiters, and gloves in a clean and odorless state.
2. Only clean karate-gi is worn and don't impress dirty. Karate-
torn gi must be immediately sewn back. Allowing equipment
practice and karate-gi tangled continuously, giving the impression no
excited about.
3. The length of the karate-gi arm may not cover the wrist and
must cover the elbows, not just folded.
4. Karate-gi trousers should not cover ankles and should
cover the knee, not just folded.
5. The college badge must and must be placed on the left chest as
identity the organization and put a FORKI badge on the right hand chest.
6. On special occasions such as PON, PORDA or inter championship
universities are justified using regional symbols / departments / agencies
as a substitute for the college symbol on the left chest.
7. The use of karate belts must be in accordance with the provisions that have been
established a college teacher board about the level of kyu and belt colors.
8. The end of the karate belt after being fastened to the waist should not be
exceeds or exceeds the knee.
9. Every karate member, both coaches and athletes, must dress in karate
during karate training, without karate clothing is not justified
train or follow karate training.
10. Don't correct karate-gi or the location of the karate / obi belt during training
before the coach's permission. If you want to correct karate-gi / obi, do it
quickly and not noisy while facing back.
11. Students are prohibited from leaving the dojo without permission from the trainer. If there are things
which is urgent and must leave immediately, do it with attitude
be polite and explain their needs quickly.
12. To avoid possible injury, students are prohibited from wearing
jewelry, watches or other sharp jewelry during training,
Sized eyeglasses are allowed, but during Kumite, it is preferable
released or using contact lenses.
13. By tradition, the dojo is a place that is respected, considered sacred, by
therefore students should not wear hats or the like
or use foul language in the karate and dojo school environment.
Also don't wear shoes / sandals entering the dojo area. There is no
food, drinks and cigarettes are permitted around the school environment
14. Students should always help to maintain and clean the dojo
as a special and cherished place before and after completion
15. How to give karate exercises directly (practice) and not
given in writing.
16. Only one type of training material in karate martial arts is shared
in (3) three parts, namely:
a. Basic Movement (Kihon)
b. Fighting / fighting (Kumite)
c. Kick (Word).
The three of them are a unity that cannot be separated.
wearing other colored karate clothes. Students must always
take care of himself and all training equipment, among others; Karate-gi,
gaiters, and gloves in a clean and odorless state.
2. Only clean karate-gi is worn and don't impress dirty. Karate-
torn gi must be immediately sewn back. Allowing equipment
practice and karate-gi tangled continuously, giving the impression no
excited about.
3. The length of the karate-gi arm may not cover the wrist and
must cover the elbows, not just folded.
4. Karate-gi trousers should not cover ankles and should
cover the knee, not just folded.
5. The college badge must and must be placed on the left chest as
identity the organization and put a FORKI badge on the right hand chest.
6. On special occasions such as PON, PORDA or inter championship
universities are justified using regional symbols / departments / agencies
as a substitute for the college symbol on the left chest.
7. The use of karate belts must be in accordance with the provisions that have been
established a college teacher board about the level of kyu and belt colors.
8. The end of the karate belt after being fastened to the waist should not be
exceeds or exceeds the knee.
9. Every karate member, both coaches and athletes, must dress in karate
during karate training, without karate clothing is not justified
train or follow karate training.
10. Don't correct karate-gi or the location of the karate / obi belt during training
before the coach's permission. If you want to correct karate-gi / obi, do it
quickly and not noisy while facing back.
11. Students are prohibited from leaving the dojo without permission from the trainer. If there are things
which is urgent and must leave immediately, do it with attitude
be polite and explain their needs quickly.
12. To avoid possible injury, students are prohibited from wearing
jewelry, watches or other sharp jewelry during training,
Sized eyeglasses are allowed, but during Kumite, it is preferable
released or using contact lenses.
13. By tradition, the dojo is a place that is respected, considered sacred, by
therefore students should not wear hats or the like
or use foul language in the karate and dojo school environment.
Also don't wear shoes / sandals entering the dojo area. There is no
food, drinks and cigarettes are permitted around the school environment
14. Students should always help to maintain and clean the dojo
as a special and cherished place before and after completion
15. How to give karate exercises directly (practice) and not
given in writing.
16. Only one type of training material in karate martial arts is shared
in (3) three parts, namely:
a. Basic Movement (Kihon)
b. Fighting / fighting (Kumite)
c. Kick (Word).
The three of them are a unity that cannot be separated.